Monday, April 4, 2011

Blooming Seasons?

Certainly. Why not think of your life as a tree or a shrub that has as many blooming seasons as years of life it may have. That is exactly how I see myself. Human beings go through a series of developmental stages; each with its "blooming" peak. I've gone through many already, and after a period of self doubt, grief, and even guilt, I believe I'm starting a new developmental stage that will, of course, in time have its own blooming season. Many women at my age feel that there is nothing else to live for: children are gone; grandchildren aren't close; loneliness is part of everyday; physical beauty is no longer; sex is out of the question; and you only live waiting to die any day. Not me. Eventhough I'm no beauty queen and age has done its toil on my body, I still feel full of life and energy and I would welcome love in my life again. Loneliness is another thing. I'm battling loneliness with Salsa dancing lessons, oil painting, reading, writing, gardening and hanging out, even if it's alone. Yes, my children are gone and they have their own families to take care. The good thing is that now I get to take care of myself, like spending a whole afternoon pampering myself in a beauty salon and spa; watching what I want to watch on the TV; eating what I want and just doing anything else that I want to do.

1 comment:

  1. That's how it's done.... remember you're the leading lady in the big play that is your life... put yourself in the center and enjoy the view from the stage.
